Mittwoch, 5. September 2007

Getting better

Yesterday night I spent the most horrible time ever. I had a temperature of a 103.1 degrees, I had shivers all over my body. I had a headache that severed my head in two, and had horrible stomach and muscle pain. The cause: Virremia, some airborn flu like virus, that is just there like all the others... I took myself to the health center, and well, they run all kinds of tests. They sent me home with medication and today I feel so much better. I want to worship the feet of the person who invented Codeine... LOL I slept a full night, and guess what? I am going back to bed. Yesterday I had one student cancellation, and I cancelled the last 2. Ended up ony teaching one person, and though I did the best I could, I felt like shit doing it. Anyways, I hope to be better soon to get back to my routines and my fun life.

1 Kommentar:

citizensofa7484 hat gesagt…

Sorry to hear about your health.Glad to know you're feeling a little better. Get well soon, ok?*hugz*